How to Apply Personal Magnetism - a 3 Step Approach

Lady meditating
Tuesday, April 15, 2014 - 11:13

This is a simple 3 step guide written by Yogi Ramacharaka in 1906 on how to apply magnetism to your self. Following these steps and practicing the techniques will bring many benefits to your state of mind and internal & external systems.

(1) You must earnestly desire the combination of the two elements of personal magnetism, the physical and the mental forces. You must create the strongest kind of desire for this combination. This desire must be stronger than a mere “want”. it must be fanned up to the stage of an actual “longing” or “craving” for the combination in question.

(2) You must use the imagination, actively, in the direction of forming a mental picture of the mingling of the two forms of magnetism, just as you would picture the combination of two clouds, or two currents of water in a lake, flowing in from two different sources. The stronger and more vivid you can make this picture, the stronger and more effective will be the result. These mental pictures require the use of the attention, and that the attention is due to a direct and concentrated use of the will. Therefore, the will is actively and powerfully employed in this process and the result is correspondingly effective.

(3) The direct command of the will itself, in the direction of “willing” the currents to coalesce and combine. These three phases of the use of the will, combined, will prove very effective in the direction names. A little practice will enable you to perform all three of them, at one time, almost automatically. You will see, by a little thought, that the process just described, is practically that used when you perform.

- Yogi Ramacharaka (William Walker Atkinson). 1906